October 17, 2023 2 min read


First we would like to start out by thanking all the supporters of DOWN. We could not do it without you and continue our mission to GIVE YOU MORE!

As all those “big” ski companies are spending your money at ISPO we here at DOWN are passing the savings of a “direct to skier model” on to you! 

When we last sold skis, our prices were in the 400 - 600 EUR range. We are all aware of inflation, and our raw material prices & ski builder wages are unfortunately not prone to this.

So the bad new in all honesty - new ski prices will be higher than they were 3 years ago.

We believe that freeskiing is good for you. Life is short, and every moment well lived in the mountains will make it better. DOWNs objective is to firmly establish itself as the leading global direct-to-consumer freeski brand. We deliver your maximum value freeskiing gear, for more time outside.

So here comes the good part:

  1. We did everything to keep this operation sickly lean. We now have integrated engineering and manufacturing into our company, meaning we are not the fifth wheel of some company, but the 4 wheels that run it. We source now directly from the best - and will never compromise on this - Saertex, SGL Carbon, CPS / P-Tex, Amag Titanal, Metallwerke Deutsch, Semperit VDS, Supersap Resin - you name it and that is what you find in your skis.
  2. We will firmly continue selling direct-to-you. No middlemen, no sales reps, no trade shows, no retailers. The math is simple. Fewer steps = lower cost. 
  3. We put the most value of any ski brand on the market INTO your ski. The new DOWN range has significantly thicker edges, thicker bases and a as always full-lenght wood cores for increased durability. And yes, EVERY ski in the range has carbon inside. Longer lifespan & more serviceability = lower operating cost for you. 

What you can expect:

  • all full carbon skis will be in the 600 - 800 EUR range
  • all blended carbon skis will be in the 400-700 EUR range
  • we will offer sweet deals on bindings and skins to keep the overall package price low
  • we will make our demo, test, proto inventory available in our OUTLET at significantly reduced prices - check that out for sweet deals
  • we will have a clear, transparent and fair pro price structure: if you are pro skier, athlete, liftie, guide, instructor, mountain rescue, industry, military - you are most likely eligible for supported deals from us
  • we will give away to those with super tight pockets: as most tech companies do, we will also offer student discounts

First quantities are in stock and ship in less than 2 days from our warehouse. Winter is just getting started so GET DOWN TODAY!

All that being said (as always) contact us anytime (info@downskis.com) with questions and more to come soon on 23/24 🙂


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